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Creative Entrepreneurs Monthly Online Forum -Places now available -starts Wed 3rd April 2024



Creative Entrepreneurs Monthly in Person Networking Forum

Next In person forum starts again Soon!

Are you finding growing your business is isolating and challenging at times?

Want to meet other creative and talented entrepreneurs all involved in different initiatives.


This new forum will Offer You:

A monthly check in -gives you the opportunity to share what you do

The opportunity for accountability in the saying Out loud and being listened to!A great networking opportunity to meet other talented creative entrepreneurs.

Monthly “hot seat” where someone shares an “issue” and gets the opportunity to tease out what the issue REALLY is -the more questions we ask -the more the clarity emerges and the solutions!

A look at some of the deeper issues that arise for entrepreneurs such as self worth, doubt, imposter syndrome and learnways to navigate these.

Exercises and work sheets to support you in addressing the issues that may arise for you in growing and developing your creativity


Online starting Wednesdays 11am – 12.30 noon TBC


  • Those who are already in business, know what they are doing but would love more connection with other women and share ideas and get support with ongoing issues that arise!
  • Those starting out in building their own business who are seeking help with issues of confidence, value and limiting beliefs.

Get in touch today and arrange a free introductory call to see if this may be for you.

When: Starts wed 3rd April -then monthly

Time: 10am -12noon

Duration: 6 months. Come along to the first and then decide for yourself !



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