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Living With Purpose

In a world that’s rapidly changing, with countless challenges and divisions, many of us feel called to live in a way that resonates with who we truly are—to seek a more aligned life.

We are being asked to step into authenticity and align our lives with our deeper sense of purpose. This shift is about living consciously, making choices that reflect our values, and doing work that feels meaningful, something we’re good at and genuinely enjoy.

I see this particularly in millennials and Gen Z, but also across generations. As the old structures fall away, people are realising that they can make different choices. Many are drawn to work for companies that are not just focused on profit but have a social mission, seeking to make a meaningful difference.

In my work as a psychotherapist and conscious coach, I’ve met many people who, despite having financial success, feel dissatisfied and constrained. They want to move beyond purely material goals because those no longer feel fulfilling. Some speak of the ‘golden handcuffs’—a high salary that becomes limiting, keeping them from pursuing more rewarding, purpose-driven work.

Now is the time to find our North Star—our guiding light—so we can make conscious choices that lead to a life of deeper meaning and alignment.

What is purpose?

Purpose is about the value we bring to others. It’s our reason for being, our raison d’être. It’s what fulfils us and makes us feel good about ourselves. Purpose gives clarity to our lives and helps us make better decisions for ourselves and the world around us.

I’ve always been driven by this question: Why are we here? It’s been with me since childhood. I still remember running home from school, asking my mother this very question after my teacher directed me to her.

When we are clear about our purpose, we bring more satisfaction to our work and our lives. In a world filled with turmoil and conflict, aligning with our purpose allows us to make a positive difference. Finding our ‘why’ is key to navigating these uncertain times.

Purpose in action:

Aligning with your purpose is like engaging your engine. When we know our purpose, life moves forward with ease. Without it, we’re like a car with no engine—we can’t go far.

Think of it this way:

The steering wheel is your business plan, directing your course.
The brakes represent the limiting beliefs, like imposter syndrome, that hold you back.
The accelerator could be a mentor or inspiring conversation that propels you forward.
But the engine—your purpose—is the most critical part. It powers everything.
Research backs this up. In McKinsey’s 2020 report, they posed the question, “What is your company’s core reason for being, and where can you have a unique positive impact on society?” Now more than ever, it’s essential to answer this question. In fact, only 7% of Fortune 500 CEOs believe that profit is more important than social goals.

How do we find our purpose?

By listening deeply to ourselves. What makes your heart sing? What brings you true satisfaction and flow? Here are a few ways to start:

Journal about times you felt aligned with your purpose. When did you feel completely in tune with what you were doing?
Ask for feedback from friends or colleagues—sometimes others can see our purpose more clearly than we can.
Explore your passions and interests. There’s often valuable information here about your deeper purpose.
Consider what excites you and ask yourself how this might connect to your true purpose. And remember—our purpose isn’t rigid. It evolves as we grow and as the world around us changes. Stay open to this evolution.

Taking action:

Purpose often becomes clearer through small steps. Volunteering, joining a local group, or helping out in a community project can give you insight into what aligns with your true self.

My purpose is to help clear the path for you, to move beyond what’s immediately in front of you, and to see possibilities that may not yet be visible. I love supporting people in finding their purpose and helping them move forward.

Ready to Align with Your Purpose?

If you’re feeling called to step into a more authentic, purposeful life, now is the time to take action. Whether you want to clarify your next steps, overcome the barriers holding you back, or simply reconnect with your true vision, Monica can guide you on this transformative journey.

🌟 Book an Initial Breakthrough Session to gain clarity and direction.

🌿 Join an upcoming workshop for powerful insights and tools in a supportive space. Our next half-day workshop is November 2nd from 10-1pm at the United Arts Club, Dublin.

💬 Request a psychotherapy session to work through deeper challenges and reconnect with your core self. 

Take the first step toward a more aligned and fulfilling life today

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