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Bringing Ourselves to the Next Level

Bringing Ourselves to the Next level

Many people come to work with me as they are feeling stuck or feel they have more to do. They may be bored, dissatisfied and want to align more with the purpose and gain more recognition and feel valued and perhaps take things to the “next level”. They may feel that whilst they are doing ok -they are not feeling satisfied and have a deeper nudge or “whispering”. Something else is calling them and they don’t quite know yet what it is .

Often then we deduce that we then need to do more, work harder and most likely over -extend ourselves further. Ok we may need to bring in extra support, look at our planning and strategy and whilst this may be necessary, I am proposing to move to the “next level” for us and our work/lives -we need to reach further into our creativity and our inner wells.

To move to the next level we need:

To dig a bit deeper into what really resonates with us -find a deeper resonance. Listen in to ourselves and our own inners knowings and intuition.

Say No to what no longer serves us and keeps us stuck or small.So often we are just keeping going with what we have always done and as we know that if we keep doing what we always did -we get the same results! Nothing ever changes !

Get clarity on our heart felt intentions -what really would we lOVE to see happen with both ourselves and our creative business. What would excite us? What would really make our heart sing -yes to earn more money but also what is the real impact we want to make apart from creating great financial rewards

Clear some of your conditioning and limiting beliefs that are holding you back -find ways to become more aware of these thoughts and patterns which hold us back. There are various ways whether it be journaling,a good mentor or therapist or any practitioner that can help clear some of your early patterns.

Find supportive networks and allies and go where you are celebrated

Build spiritual routines alongside our physical every day routines -this could mean meditation, journaling a spiritual yoga practitioner

But essentially I see this bringing ourselves to the next level invites us to go further inside to listen and get curious. Then we will know what we are about, what we love to do, what we are good at and is in alignment. We don’t all need to be healers or therapists -but whatever we see as what we can bring to the world. When we do this -its win win.

Our next webinar in the School of Conscious Living series is on Bringing you and your business to the next level.
Full details here :


And we have an inspirational and fun In person one day workshop in Dublin on the 13th April -spaces limited so get in touch soon

Full details here


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