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The Power of Connecting To Ourselves and Each Other

In recent years our ability to connect with each other  was interrupted with all that was associated with the pandemic. We couldn’t meet each other, our freedom of movement was restricted and there was a lot of fear around connecting. It’s my sense that now, we are  craving connection more than ever, not only because of lockdown but also as the world is still a very turbulent place these days and we need our connections more than ever.

And connection is important both to ourselves and others. We can connect in who we really are and to our strengths and  values and to our reals hearts desire, what we really love. And also it’s important  to able to connect with others especially those who are like minded – who can support us and perhaps can see in us what we don’t see in ourselves. Building connections and community can really support us on our unique paths. Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her book “Women who Run With the Wolves” talks  about the “handmade life”, one that we carve for ourselves, that is unique to us. So many are now seeking to carve out their own handmade life and are wanting to connect with others seeking to do the same.

The Need For Support

And we all need support from each other. Yesterday I was working with a client and we were noticing how hard it is for her to receive – she’s good at giving – but it can be harder for some of us to be able to receive from others. We need ongoing support so as to help us stay on track, our path and to keep going when we need to and of course to rest and recuperate – it can be our support network that reminds us of this too!

Choosing to step Forward and Connect with our Creative Gifts and Talents

Whilst this seems an obvious thing to do, many people, especially women have difficulty really owning their strengths and talents and creativity. Many of us have learnt to wait, be patient and to put others first. It’s good to be empathetic and kind, but we need to first and foremost apply this to ourselves.  Creativity moves us away from fear to finding solutions – and this is what we need for ourselves, our families and communities. Creativity is an amazing and powerful antidote to fear. It gives us a way of taking charge of our lives and believing that we can actually make a difference, for ourselves and for the world around us.

The next one-day, in-person workshop in Dublin is an opportunity to take time out and to reflect on our lives and work and connect with ourselves and others on the creative path being made “by hand”.

The day doesn’t have to be life changing (but it can be) – but it’s a great chance to get yourself away from your usual routine, reassess where you are at in your life and work and connect with others wishing to do the same!!

For more info on the day and to book a place click here 

Get in touch today if any questions -places filling up

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